Friday Frivolity

Well, it’s only one day in but it feels good to be back!  Rest assure that I have a few good posts geared up for next week but as it is Friday and I am exhausted from a night of foot-stamping frivolity last night (the subject of which will be posted for Music Monday), I’m going to share a little Friday fun:

Twenty-somethings Need Their Own Sesame Street

This is a great Jezebel piece on some Sesame Street spin-offs that would be ideal for those of us who grew up on the Street (that’s what the cool kids call it) and are struggling with adulthood.  My fave?  Telly Monster’s struggle with crippling anxiety.

My first fierce female role model

If I were to create one, it’d be Prairie Dawn and her Terrible Taste in Muppets.  It’d be Sesame Street meets I Don’t Care About Your Band and feature the tragically under-appreciated Prairie Dawn as she learns important life lessons about having sex on the first date, drunk text messages, and dating dudes whose bed is just a mattress on the floor.


Have a great weekend and check back in Monday!

6 thoughts on “Friday Frivolity

  1. Pingback: The Honeymoon is Over « Musings on Life After College

  2. Pingback: Friday Frivolity Flashback | Musings on Life After College

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